Do you remember Highschool History Class?
Remember when "we" stopped using horse & buggies because cars got us places faster? Then Henry Ford created the assembly line to create more consistent, quality output. The Wright Brothers built airplanes to get us across those far distances even faster. Then we stopped using coal & fossil fuels to focus on efficient, renewable, sustainable resources. Except that didn't happen. If the airplane was developed for the first time today, would it be successful? Or would "we" do everything in our power to ensure our existing means of transportation is protected? What if the first automobile was developed today? Would "we" jump on board with this new technology, or would "we" advocate the horse and buggy so those business's didn't have to adapt? Contrary to popular belief, progress is a good thing. The marketplace is survival of the fittest. And yes, new things are expensive at first. If the manufacturer doesn't want to adapt they disappear. This can be done without losing jobs. All "we" have to do is decrease the amount of people "we" are training for these industries until they are no longer needed. Instead of training people to be coal miners, train them to be wind farmers. "By 2053 'we' will no longer be coal dependent" No one loses their jobs, instead we develop new technologies. The Middle class's number one enemy is automation. Amazon closes small businesses everyday. Robots are taking your job on the line. Facebook AI algorithms knows how to target ads better than any person on the planet. "We" have to start meeting in the middle. Our planet should not be a partisan issue.
AuthorCollin Wheeler Archives
February 2018
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